A response many of us experience upon seeing the investment price for offerings such as this is:
“I can’t afford that!”, or perhaps, “I’d love to, but it’s too expensive.”
Feel familiar? (It must, or you wouldn’t be inquiring about scholarship!)
We invite you to pause, right now, right where you are, before continuing further.
Allow the belly to soften. Gently say within, “I desire to receive the breath more fully and deeply.” Repeat this process until you do feel that softening within … that slow and rhythmic descent of breath flowing.
Before we continue, we’d like to share with you what Jeshua has said about the “energy of exchange” that is required for any true “healing” to take place. (This comes from a question-and-answer period following a live channeling in Kauai, U.S., during what is now referred to as one of the “The Early Years” – currently unpublished):
… For only those that are truly willing to exchange energy for [the] energy they receive, can be healed of the fundamental perceptual patterns that have placed them in a position of being hungry [in the first place].
There were many times when I walked upon this plane when I, because I was trained to do so, manipulated subtle energies to bring about a state change, you might call it, a state in which a broken limb was healed, a disease seemed to leave the body — after all, I perceived that, as an Essene, my job was to help others heal.
Now, what occurred in many cases was that state change would last for an hour, a week, a month, a year, but it would return. It forced me to look more deeply at what Love truly is all about, and therefore, often in the latter days of my ministry, I was seen as becoming awful, radical, even cold without compassion for those that would come to me seeking healing.
And on more than one occasion I said, “Get thee behind me, I have no time for you.” That was loving, because the soul of that one was seeking magic and power outside itself, but was not willing to assume responsibility for having created the circumstances in which it found itself. And my teaching began to lean towards and be given to those who would assume responsibility, for only then does true change occur.
No one heals another, no one releases burdens from another. Therefore, do not give me your “sins,” [for] I cannot do anything with them. I can only love you until you see that the power to heal is within you.
Now pause. Return to the breath. Allow what you just read to fully “land” in your being. Perhaps ask yourself, “What does it look like to ‘assume responsibility’ for my own ‘healing?’”
Now ask yourself this Wonder Question, allowing it to descend like a pebble gently dropped in the pond of your consciousness:
Rest. Allow whatever arises in response to simply be there. Again, repeat this process as often as necessary until you feel a palpable “shift” in your body … rigidity softening, jaw unclenching, breath flowing freely, and a sense of Truth recognized. You may realize:
Yeah … the truth is I could afford this offering if I chose to give up Starbucks / shopping / Netflix and Amazon subscriptions for the next six months.”
Or “Hmm. I bet I could call mom / dad / my friend from college, express my heartfelt desire for this offering, and ask for a temporary loan!”
Or even, “Actually, I desire this offering so much I’m willing to get a part-time job bagging groceries for the next six months just so I can ‘afford’ it!”
If, after you’ve devoted time and energy to the above process with great honesty, you still feel to ask for a scholarship to participate, we invite you to continue with the application.