Jeshua (or, Yeshua or Y'shua) ben Joseph is the being most of us recognize as “Jesus.”
He is the most influential person in history, even though he lived on the planet over 2,000 years ago and never had a mobile phone, Twitter account, or access to the Internet!
One of the world's most powerful religions claims his name. Yet ...
Jeshua’s original language, and thus the language of all His teachings, was Aramaic, a reality few of us were even aware of until the release of Mel Gibson's 2004 film The Passion of the Christ.
Aramaic is a language of tone and vibration. It is very different than the “either / or,” linear language structure of Western civilizations. One word, spoken with a subtle change of inflection, may speak to seven levels of consciousness (seven different levels of meaning) all at once!
As we read the few fragments of Jeshua’s teachings that actually made it into the Bible, it’s imperative to remember they’ve been translated and interpreted by beings from cultures — and thus, language structures — vastly different from His original Aramaic!
These translations — first into Greek, then Latin, then the Germanic languages that eventually morphed into what is today known as "English" — also occurred centuries after Jeshua first taught them, and what was translated were merely fragments of all He originally gave!
With the Way of Mastery Pathway, we’re invited to return to Jeshua’s extraordinary, original teachings. They reveal vast and timeless wisdom, grounded in alchemical Living Practices, that fulfills the criteria of any genuine spirituality:
All beings are a spark of Light (soul) at One with God, and we remain eternally as we are created to be.
"Sin" is not a moral failing but rather a resistance to knowing and living this Light.
We are each fully responsible for how we use our Light to choose — and thus attract — precisely what we experience. This power of choice is the most fundamental aspect of a radiant and sovereign soul.
While our Union and Reality is unchanged, unchanging, and unchangeable, we have used our power of choice to imagine and create experiences that flow from a belief that we have achieved Primal Separation (i.e., separation from God).
This belief in “separation” is the true meaning of “hell.” Though often hidden, this belief engenders a Primal Guilt - a sense of our inner being as fundamentally flawed, which gives birth to myriad forms of psychological and behavioral suffering in humanity.
God is Love, and Love does not condemn. There is no judgment!
All beings are to be forgiven and supported (if they are willing!) to transform their orientation from fear to Love.
Forgiveness is not an intellectual concept but rather a radical transformation of one's being, best encapsulated in the Aramaic term washwoklan, meaning to return to Original Wholeness (Atonement).
Only when we genuinely forgive and then find ways to serve this Atonement may we truly awaken to a full enlightenment.
Heaven, like hell, is a potentiality available to all beings willing to enter and go through the purification, healing, and awakening process of enlightenment. Heaven is here, now!
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