About Jayem

Jeshua's chosen channel for Way of Mastery.

Collage of Jayem's Military Past

Jayem's extraordinary encounter with Jeshua was the beginning of a long, sustained apprenticeship, grounded in a deep and humble devotional gratitude to Him for bringing the grace-filled Light that heals, awakens, and transforms.

Even after completing degrees in comparative philosophy and religion, delving into paths of meditation and hatha yoga, and investigating the unresolved issues of his own very human past (including emotional traumas of childhood and a submerged guilt for participating in Vietnam), Jayem lived from the belief he was an "abysmal failure" as a father.

He’d hit rock bottom.

Seemingly all alone in a small chapel, something in him opened to a God he had rejected, and he asked for help.

Upon completion of an intense period of traditional psychotherapy, in July 1987, Jeshua appeared to Jayem in a brilliant field of light in his living room, announcing he’d come as Jayem's "final teacher." This was the advent of a quantum leap in his true healing journey — a radical transformation in the seat of his consciousness itself, his remembrance of God, and the opening of his spiritual heart.

From guilt-ridden "failure" to reluctant channel and now skilled facilitator of very real, transformative spiritual Presence, Jayem is known the world over for his capacity to join intimately in the journey of each soul he connects with, whether one-on-one or in small or large groups. His compassionate and clear sharing of Truth, and his ability to rapidly help others discover the taproots of the pain, wounds, and illusions that bind them, Jayem gifts those he connects with practices that will serve them for the rest of their life.

In his own words...

"I am a humbled lover of God — who is but Love — and a sharer of the infinite capacity and intelligence of Love, knowing that each and every soul is a most precious creation. To take up the Great Work of real liberation is to be 'returned' from hell to heaven. The soul cannot rest until this atonement is completed."

Collage of Jayem, the Spiritual Facilitator, Sharing His Gift and Having a bit of fun!
Jayem Offering a darshan into the Way of Mastery Teachings

Who Are the Best Way-Showers?

Jayem Facilitating a Spiritual Gathering

Those who have tasted and lived every potentiality available within the human journey — every fear, every instance of guilt or shame, every desire — and chosen Love and Forgiveness for each, for themselves and their brothers and sisters, are true Way-Showers. Jeshua was one such Master; his brother and Friend Jayem is, indeed, another.

Jayem dedicates his whole Self to this Pathway, and offers you, the dedicated student, his skill and wisdom. He prays every being who encounters this Pathway will also choose to heal, forgive, and ultimately breathe Love into and through their lives, for the benefit of all beings.