Events with Friends

These workshops, retreats, and events are presented by devoted friends of this Pathway who have immersed in Way of Mastery teachings and are dedicated to integrating the richness of its Living Practices into their offerings.

Please contact the listed facilitators and teachers directly for more information.

No Events with Friends currently offered.

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Creation Embodiment Retreat

Trauma-informed teachers and guides Lauren and Israel return to Santa Fe, New Mexico November 4 – 12 with their Creation Embodiment Retreat, designed to “move us all towards the experience of body, mind, heart and soul as the innocent Life energy we are, unhindered and free.”

Way of Mastery - Explore the history of Way of Mastery, Jeshua, and Jayem, His chosen channel for this transformative Work.

Pathway Events

We're going global! Take a look where Jayem and Way of Mastery are spending time in 2024.

Lotus Flower Outline - Discover the vibrancy and alchemical nature of the transformative Way of Mastery Pathway.

Digital Content

Get the Pathway materials you love, in one convenient, fully downloadable offline offering.

Heart-Centered Pathway Teachings - Dive into the Way of Mastery's free Pathway Library for profound spiritual exploration.

What Others Say

Read what others have shared about the transformational power of this Pathway!

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Seemingly all alone in a small chapel, something in him opened to a God he had rejected, and he asked for help.

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