Words we use in the Pathway

Jeshua speaks often of the power of words. While they’re merely symbols of ideas – thus “twice removed from reality” – they’re also powerful tools that support us in cutting through illusion.

This article is designed to offer a deeper understanding of what we mean when we use certain words here in The Pathway. They may not mean quite what you’re accustomed to or have imagined!


Alchemy: Refers to the energetic transformation of real healing. We do not “change our minds” without a change first in breath, feeling, choices, values, and devotion. Alchemy involves our whole being. In its essence, it’s a felt and experienced transformation of emotional, physical, and psychic energy.

Aramaic: An ancient Middle Eastern language of great depth and nuance, of vibration and tone, that Jeshua and his friends and disciples spoke. The mistranslations of Aramaic through Greek, Latin, the Germanic languages and into English account for much of the misunderstanding of Jeshua’s original Teachings.

Aramaic Beatitudes: The original continuation Jeshua gave his followers who were steeped in the Living Practice of the Aramaic Lord’s Prayer, revealing the progressive unfoldment into greater depths of Christ Consciousness. See also Aramaic, Aramaic Lord’s Prayer, Christ Consciousness, Living Practices.

Aramaic Lord’s Prayer: The essential Living Practices Jeshua gave in response to his disciples’ question of, “Teacher, how do you do what you do?” A richly nuanced return to the original meaning of this beautiful prayer, and a practice that embodies a progressive unfolding of potentiality available to all who choose to genuinely immerse in it. See also Aramaic, Aramaic Beatitudes, Living Practices.

Atonement: The completion of a return to original wholeness; correction and rightness have been restored. See also Forgiveness.

Attunement: Coming into genuine presence — via breath and feeling communion — with what is honestly and actually occurring for us in our direct lived experience: feeling, memory, sensation, subtle energy or light, emotion, or revelation. Can also mean coming into presence with others so they, too, can experience what is honestly true for them, without normal social filters “coloring” their experience. See also Living Practices, Presence, Radical Inquiry, Shalu.

Awakening: The fruit of illumination arising from our choices to dissolve the habits and misperceptions of our invented egos and soften ever more fully into living, and being, Christ Consciousness. See also Christ / Christ Consciousness / Christ Mind, Dream of Separation / Separation, Ego, God.


Belief: Something that we fervently hope and wish to be true. Belief occurs in the mind as a substitute for Reality. The habit of confusing thoughts about something with actual knowledge. See also Knowing / Knowledge, Reality.


Christ / Christ Consciousness / Christ Mind: “Christ” (a Greek word) means “anointed.” One who is illuminated beyond ego identity and operates in life from the deeper ground of union with, and in, God (Light, Love, and Wisdom). See also God.

Christ Council: A group of 48 Masters specifically and deliberately joined together with Jeshua – who came to their mastery of Love over fear via the Way in their own human incarnations – that intentionally serve the return of the Way to humanity. See also Pathway / The Way.


Dream of Separation / Separation: The constellation of effects we experience as the “world” (or “my life”) arising from the loss of Original Wholeness, or Union; this loss was first chosen by us and then characterized by fear in various forms – doubt, loss of trust, loss of peace, etc. It’s maintained by our unquestioning belief that these effects are “reality.” See also Awakening, Ego, Fear, God.


Ego: “Edging God Out.” Jeshua gives many insightful descriptions of this fundamental sense of identity we mistakenly believe is “me, myself, and I.” Ego is the habit of separation we created when we chose to experience ourselves as separate from God. Ego is always associated with the fears involved with seeking the “Big Four”: Survival, Security, Approval, and Love. The ego is desperate for the experience of these four, but can never achieve them. Our continued identification with ego is a choice to remain separate from God. See also Dream of Separation / Separation, God.

Enlightenment: In the Pathway, this unfolds ceaselessly as our awareness blossoms within God, or Light. A profound “seeing” that was missing before and deeply changes our understanding of, relationship with, and quality of awareness and existence.


Father / The Father: While widely common in theistic religions, it’s not a word Jeshua used in his original language of Aramaic (although He does reference it in his channeled teachings, as it’s a term many people — influenced by Western philosophical and religious concepts — are familiar and comfortable with). In truth, it refers to Source, or God (infinite Light). Jeshua will sometimes say instead “the Mother,” or “Father-Mother,” as He weans us from our Judeo-Christian training.

Fear: “The only energy you may be said to have ever created” (Jeshua, in The Jeshua Letters). The basis which requires construction of an Ego, or substitute self. Fear is a contraction away from, and in opposition to, Love. See also Ego, God, Love.

Forgiveness: Refers to both the means of correcting the Dream of Separation and the felt quality of genuine healing, or being returned to original wholeness. Pervades all of Jeshua’s teachings and Living Practices. See also Atonement, Living Practices, Teachings.

Friend / Friends of the Heart: Jeshua defines “friend” as “one who elects to see another in the highest light possible and to hold the other in it until they can hold themselves.” Thus, a Friend is both a supreme gift and a profound responsibility.


God: “Gushing Ongoing Divinity.” Jeshua defines God as “Mystery” beyond what mind is capable of fully comprehending or explaining. God is Love, Light, and all creative power. God is creation itself. We are God’s desire to extend itself. God is both the source of all love that flows to us and through us and the power and grace that inspires us to awaken. See also Awakening, Dream of Separation / Separation, Love.


Holy Spirit: A word common to our Judeo-Christian culture, it refers to the “shem,” or creative light and potentiality of God. See also Shem.


Jeshua ben Joseph, or Jeshua: A Master Teacher of the Pathway who lived in the Middle East around 2,000 years ago and spoke and taught in the vibrational language of Aramaic. Today, a member of the Christ Council devoted to teaching the Way to whomever asks it of Him. See also Aramaic, Christ Council, Pathway.


Kingdom: Another of those ideas we are steeped in via our Judeo-Christian filters. For Jeshua, it refers to the mysterious union, communion, and creative flow of Love, unfettered from egoic contraction and filters born of fear. Translated from the original Aramaic word “malkutha”, or “the queendom” — the birthing womb of God’s creative power.

Knowing / Knowledge: Essential for the Pathway, these words don’t refer to intellectual or conceptual notions. Jeshua defines knowledge as a “knowing by being that which is known.” True Knowing is the effect of healing, genuine transformation, and enlightenment. See also Enlightenment.


Living Practices: Both a general sphere of practices such as The Aramaic Lord’s Prayer, LovesBreath, Radical Inquiry, etc., and the art of cultivating those teachings within our actual moment-to-moment life.
See also Aramaic Beatitudes, Aramaic Lord’s Prayer, LovesBreath, Radical Inquiry, Shalu.

Love: The essence of Love is infinite and free spaciousness, or the ground of all Creation. An essential characteristic of Love is freedom; from it we are given the power of choice to create our experience – even Separation! See also Dream of Separation / Separation, Ego, Fear, God.

LovesBreath: A specific way of breathing and essential Living Practice Jeshua gave in response to his disciples’ question of, “Teacher, how do you do what you do?” It was given by Jeshua early in His guidance of Jayem, whom He directed to teach to others. Attunement with breath arising from, and returning to, the pelvis and belly, it pervades all other Living Practices, healing, and genuine transformation. See also Aramaic Lord’s Prayer, Living Practices, Radical Inquiry.


Pathway / The Way: The collective Teachings of Jeshua, given here as the Way of Mastery. An embodied Way of being, committed to nothing less than full dissolving of the ego mind and a return to original wholeness. See also Teachings.

Prayer: Unlike traditional religious and spiritual practices in which one prays to, or at, something separate from oneself in supplication, prayer in the Pathway is attunement – via surrender – to God / Reality, where one’s very orientation and sense of Self is altogether changed. See also Attunement, God, LovesBreath, Reality, Shalu.

Projection: To believe we see in another (or “the world”) what is actually true for ourselves; what we’re really seeing is our unconscious filters born of fear and beliefs formed within the Dream of Separation while thinking they’re “over there.” The truth is we wouldn’t be able to see in another what we already do not contain, and may be acting from, within ourselves. Also, the act of putting blame, judgment, shame, or guilt upon another. It can also be used at times to mean “extension.”

Presence: A relaxed way of being in which all emotions and sensations are allowed to arise and be felt (yes, even fear, discomfort, guilt, shame … all of it!). A state of awareness arising from a felt and known desire to soften, relax, and allow exactly what is. The actual quality of genuine Peace; a felt spaciousness. See also Attunement, Shalu, Radical Inquiry.


Queendom: See Kingdom.


Radical Inquiry: A key Living Practice of the Pathway, given to Jayem by Jeshua and then refined over countless sessions with individuals across the globe. A practice of self-inquiry grounded in LovesBreath, presence, curiosity, willingness, and innocence. The art of truly “turning mind back upon itself” to see and become free of egoic habits and patterns. See also Living Practices, LovesBreath, Presence.

Reality: Direct opposite of “the world,” which is what we created – and continue to create and experience – from ego mind. Reality is the field of energy we live in (and from) when we choose to Awaken and co-create experiences with God from Love and Christ Consciousness. See also Awakening, Christ / Christ Consciousness / Christ Mind, Dream of Separation / Separation, Ego, God, Love.


Servant / Servantship: An important term referring to our actual, essential Reality: “You are only a conduit of Light, which is Love.” A devotion to life as, and for, extending only Love; to serve the atonement, or alleviation of suffering, of others; the fulfillment of the very journey of all healing and enlightenment; the way of life that emerges as we are returned to original wholeness. Not a sacrifice for the sake of others, but freedom and fulfilment in being that which we were created to be. See also Atonement, Forgiveness, Love.

Shalu: From Aramaic, the art of attuning to, and resting in, real presence; for Jeshua, this is genuine prayer, and an essential Living Practice. See also Aramaic Beatitudes, Aramaic Lord’s Prayer, Attunement, Living Practices, LovesBreath, Presence.

Shanti Christo: Meaning “Peace of Christ,” it’s a term you’ll hear often in Way of Mastery teachings. Jeshua gave the term to Jayem prior to the full unfolding of the Pathway. It’s also the name of the non-profit foundation Jayem established in the early years of his studentship with Jeshua.

Sofia / Sophia: From Greek, but rooted in more ancient terms such as “shekinah” (Hebrew). A divine feminine (not “female”) wisdom; that aspect of us that opens, is receptive, and is a birthing channel for Light.

Son / The Son: From Aramaic, “offspring of”; male or female in our world. It does not refer (as in Christianity) solely to Jeshua (Jesus). In the Teachings, He makes it very clear that while He is the Son, each of us also is.


Teachings: Specifically, the teachings of Jeshua (Jesus). A word you’ll hear often, encompassing every channeling and Living Practice that He gave. Not a set of beliefs or dogmas, but the skillful conveying of wisdom and Living Practices that bring about genuine enlightenment, or return to original wholeness.
See also Belief, Enlightenment, Living Practices.

Transcendence: The lived experience of freedom from being exclusively identified with a habit or belief. An illumination, or “aha” moment, involving a new seeing. In the Pathway, transcendence can only truly occur to the degree we have honestly embraced and enfolded real forgiveness (of others and Self). To “enfold, forgive, and, thereby, grow beyond.” See also Belief, Forgiveness.


Witness / The Witness: The potential within us to break free of our identity with ego’s perceptions and beliefs. Also, a recoil from habitual feeling in which a new, calm awareness looks upon and at a context or experience, and its effects, with equanimity. Associated with spaciousness and presence, it is cultivated and grows via the practices of the Pathway. See also Belief, Ego, Pathway / The Way, Presence.

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