Thank you for your desire to support Jeshua’s stated goal of “birthing a million Christs!”

Financial contributions* are the number one way that Way of Mastery can continue to bring the precious teachings of this Pathway to an ever-increasing number of beings across the globe.

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Your generous investment allows us to:

develop and offer online courses and support materials for deepening immersion into the teachings.

host and maintain the Way of Mastery website and (amazingly comprehensive!) free Pathway Library.

fund scholarships for those who desire to join a course or training and may otherwise not be able to “afford” it.

There are two ways you may choose to contribute financially to Way of Mastery:

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Become a monthly investor!

For as little as $4 USD per month (or in any amount you choose!), you’ll receive periodic bonus content, such as never-before published channelings.

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Via PayPal

Offer a one-time donation!
Contribute any amount your heart most desires to give, and give as often as you like!

Every contribution is gratefully received.

*Please note that financial contributions to Shanti Christo Foundation, Foundation of the Way, or other entities do not directly support Way of Mastery, or our ability to offer scholarships. To ensure your investment supports Way of Mastery, please use one of the two methods given above or contact us for direct bank transfer.

Thank you!