About Way of Mastery

Born of a deep sense of suffering and a genuine longing to be whole, the Way of Mastery was given to, and through, Jayem as a crystal-clear Pathway of Awakening.

group gathering in circle with light rays coming down

We’ve all known suffering. We’ve all longed to heal. And we’ve all sought that healing (or, at least, a temporary respite from pain!) in myriad ways … consumerism, drugs and alcohol, seeking for love and security in another being or job, ritualistic religion and spiritualities …

All these temporary “fixes” of the world have failed to truly transform us and heal our shared core fear: that we are separate from God / Mystery / Creation, and therefore, alone.

The Way of Mastery, affectionately referred to as The Pathway, or simply The Way, evolved out of Jayem’s own direct immersion in this human crucible of suffering.

It provides grounded, practical, and alchemical methodologies that bring about what he refers to as a “genuine spirituality” — a process of personal, relational, and planetary evolution of Consciousness itself.

happy participant opening to life

Jeshua’s teachings (The Pathway) help turn the mind back upon itself and return us to Wholeness by offering simple Living Practices that allow us to:

dis-identify with mind and its “whirling fan blades” of thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, and ideas seeing it as merely effect and not Reality.

purify our relationship with all our feelings and energies (even desire! Even rage!) by turning toward, rather than away from, them.

dissolve the barriers we’ve created between mind / body / soul / nature / others / divine and re-connect to our Oneness with all.

transform from fearful beings to loving ones, from doubters to those of perfect Faith.

... in short, restoring our trust in the source of our own existence and revealing our True Selves as already-complete, perfected, Christed beings.


There is nothing to fix. There is no sin or transgression for which we must repent. All Jeshua asks of us is a sliver of willingness to question all we think we know, and receive a Truth that is true for all of us:

“You are not here to survive.
You are here to live as the Truth of who you are.”

~ Way of the Heart, Lesson Five

Happy participant, enjoying life!

True transformation requires curiosity, willingness, and a “scientific mindset”: to discover what we may not yet know; apply what we’re learning to our daily lived experiences; allow ourselves to experiment with new sensations and contexts; and discard forever all that used to seem true and “right” in exchange for what genuinely expands Truth, allows genuine healing and growth, and effects real change.

Are you willing to discover where this Pathway may lead?

About Jesus: Discover the Master Teacher who first brought this Pathway over 2,000 years ago.

About Jeshua

Discover the Master Teacher who first brought this Pathway over 2,000 years ago.

Heart-Centered Pathway Teachings - Dive right in! Explore the Way of Mastery by visiting our free Pathway Library.

The Pathway Teachings

Dive right in! Explore the Way of Mastery by visiting our free Pathway Library.

Online Courses: Ready to go deeper into Jeshua’s Pathway? Invest in one of Way of Mastery’s self-paced Online Courses.

Online Courses

Ready to go deeper into Jeshua’s Pathway? Invest in one of Way of Mastery’s self-paced Online Courses.