I.V.E.S. Foundation

Inspire Vision, Eliminate Suffering

This is the inspiration behind our soon-to-be-birthed nonprofit arm of Way of Mastery. *

hand outstretched delivering support

A simple way for those Friends in and of the Pathway who desire to ease the suffering of others to do so. A place for the generosity of heart that lives in us all to be gratefully received. A deliverance of support for beings who are working hard to break free from cycles of poverty and just need one outstretched hand to help them get there.

It’s offering a new beginning in the form of stable housing, education, or whatever else may best serve our brothers and sisters in need on the island of Bali.

I.V.E.S. was born out of guidance Jayem one day received to suddenly stop what he was doing and take a long drive to a town in Bali he hadn’t visited for quite some time. While following spirit’s directions, he “randomly” met a young, single Balinese mother named Suzi who became first a friend, then one of the earliest benefactors of what will soon become Way of Mastery’s formal nonprofit. *

Through the generous ongoing support of Jayem and many other Friends of the Way, Suzi – for the first time! – now lives in a home spacious enough for her two children to have their own rooms and beds. And her daughter, Sintia, – a bright, talented, driven young woman – gets to attend college, fully funded!

Suzie and her children
Much gratitude for the support
Sintia on her new motorbike

I.V.E.S Foundation aims to help support struggling Balinese families to not only meet the daily, basic needs essential in this 3D world, but also to provide them opportunities to catapult out of poverty for good by funding things like clean, modern housing, higher education, and job training.

*The I.V.E.S. Foundation is yet in its embryonic stage. However, if you’re feeling moved to donate today, you may do so by visiting Way of Mastery PayPal (ensure you note the donation is specifically for I.V.E.S. Foundation) or emailing us at [email protected] (Subject: I.V.E.S. Donation) to provide bank transfer details.

widi and the education program for children

We and our Balinese friends are grateful for your generosity. Thank you.

“... the highest level of joy is to manifest service to the Atonement."

~ Way of Knowing, Lesson 11