Scholarship Application

Pathway Volunteer - complete your survey here!

Thank you for expressing your desire to receive scholarship funding to assist with your participation with Way of Mastery.

Before submitting your application, please know Way of Mastery does not offer full scholarships. You are asked to contribute financially to some portion of the total cost of your tuition. (You will have an opportunity to outline your desired funding request, as well as your proposed investment amount, within the application itself.)

Any available funding for scholarships is made available via the generous financial contributions of your fellow Friends of this Pathway, and is also dependent on the total number of full-paying participants for each event or Course.

Scholarship funds are allocated based on a number of criteria. Please answer the following questions as honestly and thoroughly as you can; this will help guide us in an offer for scholarship should funding allow.

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Please share more about your experience with the Way of Mastery. Have you completed any courses? Attended any events? How long have you been immersing in the materials?

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Please share a little about why you're feeling drawn to participate in this course / event? What about it “struck a chord” with you?

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Please briefly outline why you're requesting scholarship to participate in this course / event.

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What, if any, alternate funding options have you pursued prior to submitting this application?

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Please tell us your offer. How much financial assistance are you seeking, and in what form (i.e., if this is a Course that offers a monthly payment option, how much per month do you desire to invest? If an event that requires full payment, are you seeking a lower total cost, more time to pay the balance, or something else)? 

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Some beings offer an additional type of exchange in the form of Volunteer Hours. At times, these offers match the current needs of Way of Mastery. If you have time you're willing to devote to Way of Mastery projects, and would like to see if your skills match our needs, please include that information here:

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Way of Mastery does not require repayment for scholarship funding provided. However, many scholarship recipients in the past have contacted us (sometimes years after the fact!) desiring to "pay it forward" by essentially offering a donation in the amount they once received for scholarship ... thereby affording a new Friend an opportunity to participate in a Course or event, just as they were once given such an opportunity. Will you pledge to "pay it forward" in this way at a future date?