Opening in Light


Ireland, November 11th - 17th, 2024

group gathering in circle with light rays coming down

In the same way a garden brings forth fruit and flowers only once the soil is cultivated, prepared to receive new seeds, and then tended with devotion consistently over time, the fruits of a genuine spirituality emerge in the very soil of what Jeshua calls “your Kingdom” — mind, yes, but also much more: the emotional field of our being, the very cells of our body, our perceptions and gestures, and our very use of Time.


The Aramaic Teachings were given originally by Jeshua as a step-by-step Living Practice of transformation. They are a personal, deeply felt exploration of, and opening to, the very Light from which our essential existence emerges. They cultivate a growing capacity to deliberately attune to, rest in, and live from that Light … which is Love … which is Truth … which is Life … which is God.

We come to know these precious teachings only by immersing into them as Living Practices and becoming lived into them … and them, into us. For the true Christ Path, the goal is to become the Living Word, and Jeshua’s original Aramaic Teachings (and two essential jewels within them!) reveal what His earliest students came to call “The Way.”

happy participant opening to life

So, what are the Aramaic Lord’s Prayer and the Beatitudes?

In Reality, they are at once a Living Practice that transforms us from ego-mind to Christ consciousness, and a progressive unfolding and revelation of universal, mystical Qualities open to all who desire them … if we go beyond thinking about them and enter the Mystery of Alchemy they bring.

Jeshua’s Aramaic Lord’s Prayer and Beatitudes are not:

  • an empty ritual of merely repeating words given us by others …

  • the basis of Christianity’s Belief in “salvation” …

  • or even a prayer to God.

Who are the Aramaic teachings for?

Deceptively simple, they serve both the beginning student responding to a thirst within to grow, heal, and know more of God, and they carry the Awakening One already steeped in devotion into and through the universal and essential stages of Enlightenment.

Our immersion into these teachings will be a shared journey into their depth via the very Living Practices given within them. Through vibration (chant), sacred dance, LovesBreath, and alchemical contemplation of the very words He deliberately chose to transmit Light in every line, together we’ll delve into a journey of discovery, healing, and revelation … all in a shared field of childlike play and curiosity!

Happy participant, enjoying life!
Happy participant, enjoying life!

Bring your willingness, loose comfy clothing (for rolling around on the floor, and other seemingly silly things!), and your sincere desire to be touched by Grace and allow the Light to shine into the dark places (and to perhaps discover that the “dark” is really the best of friends!).

I so look forward to joining with you in One Heart, one shared intention, and one shared willingness to discover what Light can do if only given a (very skillful) chance!

How deeply are we willing to open to the Love that is God?